
Anwar vs Shabeery

Having watched Anwar and Shabeery debate on Awani yesterday... it was refreshing. I have not seen Anwar on TV that personal since during his 'golden' days and after that during the time he was charged with sodomy and bribery allegations. Anyway, I was still an ignorant student back then... I still thought money grew on trees... :-)

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What crossed my mind then still crossed my mind yesterday during the debate : He is still one good looking guy...LOL...But I digress. In the debate, if you ask my personal and humble opinion, Anwar made more sense than Shabeery did. And he showed professionalism and maturity by not reacting to some personal attacks I saw Shabeery made about him. And I came to the one and only conclusion:

.Shabeery was not the match for Anwar.

He simply wasn't. Having taken a neutral stance on a lot of political incidences that has happened before, I would have to agree that Anwar gave a better and more sound defence and solution to everyone. Implementation..? That might have to be proven. But as far as theory of leadership is concerned, I got him. And if I did, I believe a lot of other people did too. It is a shame that BN does not see that it is not a miracle the Malaysian seek, it is simple and honest truth. Evading has always been the style of government officials since I learnt to walk. But if they are not careful, they might lose the trust of a lot of Malaysians. Evasion does not work anymore. It is time for more direct and to the truth strategies...Say goodbye to " Bos takde, encik boleh datang esok?" kind of explanations, not caring whether the person came from Timbuktu to get a consult from an official...

But again,  I digress... ;-)

* Note: This is just a personal opinion who has no political interest whatsoever...So please don't sue me...hehehe...

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