
Out of preggieland...

I believe this entry is very much late in due. I was back at work since 22/6/09 but only now do I get a moments’ peace to write.

How do I feel??

Lighter, of course LOL… Not to mention, sleep deprived too…:-)

But it’s all in the package ladies and gentlemen…once you sign up on the trip to preggieland…there’s no turning back… EVER.

Work is better since I don’t have to go pee once in a few minutes and I can finally see my feet!! Hehe… Now that I think about it, after almost three years of marriage, I have not seen my feet quite often! And yes, I am definitely thinking of family planning. It’s not that I don’t appreciate God’s gift…but I’d like to give the best of me to my kids. More time, more love and of course more comfort if I can.
Now I don’t deny the rezeki that comes with the child…but I can only do so much if I am half asleep, tired and worked-out from work and family to do much. And hubby, I would like to use the maternity provision allocated for NST staff for once… which would of effect only after 3 years of service… Thank you very much…:-P

(sorry guys for the unfinished version…never thought anybody wud be reading it tonight…:-))

If you ask me honestly,

“So, how do you feel being a mom of two?”

The answer would be… TIRED. DAMN TIRED. EXHAUSTED. Me and hubby used to wake up once or twice every night for Asyraaf’s feedings, but now, times that by three. Hazel is still at the stage where she doesn’t really know how to differentiate night from day, so she wakes up frequently at night. Once I even made the wrong susu for the wrong child! Haha… That, would be a story I would tell the kids when they grow up…:-)

So… what has happened since Hazel’s birth? Well, for one she has been having occasional seizures from time to time… albeit mild ones. Brought her to a neurologist but nothing much came out of the visit. We are thinking of bringing her to another Paed in the few weeks in coming…

And the Prince? He’s 2, so the list is quite long for him…

1. He now knows how to say “ Ibu work…, ayah work…” if asked where my hubby and I during the day, or in my case, nights too…

2. Calls money…”Singgit lapan” no matter how much is in his hands…

3. Watches Barney tirelessly… (even now)

4. Runs for his life whenever I turn the vacuum cleaner on…

5. Wants to pick and choose his own choice of clothes, food and other things to his liking…

6. Demands hugs and kisses, and sometimes simply… DEMANDS. Eg: Peluk Ibuuuuu….(I want to hug Ibu) , Ciumm Ibuuuu…(I want to kiss Ibu) ,tepi sikit….(can u move over?)  sini duduk….. (sit here beside me) And yes, he speaks the second word before the first…hehehe…

But if you ask me again, how does it feel to be a mom of two…?


Coz at the end of a very long and tiring day… You get to see beautiful and innocent eyes looking at you, while running into your arms…saying   “ Ibuuuu!!!”

THAT, MY FRIENDS… is enough to make me walk a thousand miles to get to them, even being barefoot while doing it… Truly…



Dinda Boutique said...

salam, i've ben googling about dr. seri n found ur blog :D! my O&G also Dr. Seri and after reading ur entry, i really hope she'll b thr too during my delivery :D nway, both, ur son n daughter so cute! congratz yaaa~!

Drama Queen said...

Hello! I was googling Dr Seri too and found your blog. I'm trying to get pregnant and looking for a lady O&G in Princecourt. Love your entry about her and now I have no doubts as to where I should go when I get pregnant nanti. Thanks so much!

Unknown said...

sini duduk.. aiyomak.. sounds like mamak 2 me.. huhu..

Eddina said...

Glad u liked the entry...was the best delivery experience for me too...:-)