
Ibu…Nak Acikkk….Ayammm…*nod2x

ash Ibu…nak acikkk… ayammmm ehh…

I am by a long shot not a good cook…and never will be I guess. I have never been good nor comfortable in the kitchen as compared to cleaning the house…which is why I am sometimes called the cleanaholic by mr hubby…and yes, i do get ‘meroyan’ if the house is in utter chaos but i’m superrrr fine if there’s nothing to cookkk…oopss… my bad… tak cukup asuhan gaknyer…kekekek…lagi mau salahkan org lain…

So you can imagine when my son asked me in the cutest way possible from his safety gate which is near the kitchen saying…

“Ibu…nak ascikk… ayammm ehhh…” while nodding numerously with hope in his eyes… He wants to eat nasi with soup which is the menu they give at the nursery I think. How my heart fell at that moment… So this kaki bangku masak of a mother in me asked my sister in law how to make a chicken soup(yer, buat sup ayam pun tak pandai…huhu)  and did it today…and succeeded since he did eat a lot and with fervour … the feeling? Utter pride of course…being somebody who is not much of a cook…Mcm menang lottery LOL…

Anak punya pasal… they do make us into better human beings don’t u think? :-) Dah tue baru pandai masak sup kuakuakua…

Anyway, if any of you know recipes for little kids, plzzzz sampaikan ilmu anda juga kepada sayer yerrr….sekian terima kaseeyyy… * wink2x

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