
We Made It Out…ALIVE!!!

P4091036 Phew! The mystery is solved finally… After months of waiting in anticipation, wondering and thinking how it’s going to turn out for me this second time around… it has finally passed and alhamdulillah, I couldn’t ask for a better delivery experience with the best medical team…

But on a more serious note, I was terrified before going for the labor and delivery. All my thoughts were concentrated on whether I can make it through the normal delivery after an emergency c-section with Asyraaf. Though the risks are higher than for a woman who has a normal delivery before, we were prepared to take the risk…plus the costs will be lower too… hehe.

Having opted for an induced labor due to the size of Hazel which was already 3.3kg at 38 weeks, and the high possibility of her reaching 3.9kg by EDD, we headed to Prince Court on Tuesday morning, Asyraaf sent to the nursery, his bag packed with him, and my things too for the stay at the hospital.

I was induced at about 11.30 am 070409, only started to feel contraction in the evening, and started to beg for ‘heppidural’ at 11.30 at night. And the journey has only just begun… And it was a battle only I can go through. God, the time seemed to be moving oh so slowly! After epidural kicked in, the smile muscle in my cheeks started to work again under the uephoria which was “heppidural”…LOL… (lagi kena usik dgn anaesthetist “ Haa….baru nampak dia senyum…, tadi kelat je…) Citt…:-P

P1011004Had a good sleep albeit the skyrocketing contractions, had a very small breakfast lest I throw up during delivery and at about 10 am started to feel the urge to push so bad, I was cursing Munir under my breath… Being him, he will sometimes make jokes, untimely ones I might say, and get a piercing stare so hard he stopped making them. God…I can only pray to Allah at that time…But having my husband by my side…eases my pain in a way. He will recite Kursi for me and I will listen and feel the contraction subsiding a little…

And at about 10.45 am, my beloved Dr Seri came in like Buzz Lightyear ( and she did do the “Okayy!!! I’m here…” Ultraman like…LOL. If I wasn’t in so much pain… I would have surely laughed. But no can do…Somebody’s still not out yet.

And there on began the pushing. I was so lousy at it I wanted to give up. Never been through a normal delivery before, I didn’t really know what was ‘pushing’ …It took me almost 45 mins just to push with Munir giving me water (it was so thirsty giving birth!!) every few seconds. I felt like I was in the marathon where the runners usually pour water on the faces at the pit stops. And having a doctor you are most comfortable with that was heping you and assisting me all the way finally gave way to…tadaa….

P4161088 whats up bro...!?

Baby Hazel Aleesya bt Ahmad Munir…weighing 3.3kg, healthy and well. After Hazel was whisked away to be tended to, Dr Seri put her attention to me and started ‘ sewing’. GOD IT WAS PAINFUL….! I thought I was in labor all over again…and then the problem started, I started haemorrhaging… which lost me a lot of blood and things became a little chaotic at that time…

P4091038 And the only thought that came to mind…” At least my daughter’s already safe…if it was time to go…then it was God’s will…” But i guess my time has not come, they managed to contain the situation, and Dr Seri sewed me up nicely and I was sent to the normal room in the evening after being monitored for a while. The next day I was called Dracula by Dr Seri since I had to be given two pints of blood to replace the ones lost during delivery…:-)


It was a great experience for me, suspense, fright, happiness, pain, all wrapped into one. On the fourth day after getting sufficient rest and treatment, I was discharged. But as I turned to look at my baby, I thought to myself “How in hell did someone as BIG as THAT come out of me??”


Aznita@Terk said...

its a beautiful experience ina..congrats you've made it..Alhamdulillah..take care ye..

kisah kita said...

to eddina and munir...

publicmutual said...


may i know how much is delivery charge at prince court?

Che Ma said...

dina, this is sariilmia from cari forum... yeahhh just read your blog and this entry brought back my own sweet experience at room 706 at pcmc with the view of twin tower and jam maxis he he best kan deliver kat pcmc
