
IBU… Nak kokom!!!

Hmm…makan pun sodapp nie…

The new favourite verse of the moment is…”Ibu! Nak kokom!” while pointing to his baby sister… And deny him we can’t or he will start shoving his sister in order to get to carry her.

Asyraaf has started to ‘kokom’ meaning ‘carry’, ‘suchu’ meaning ‘to give milk to his sister while laughing gleefully when I let him. In short he wants to be included. And surprisingly, he is gentle with her, when kissing his sister he will give his cheek slowly to her (to be kissed, not to kiss, mind you…hehehe) and he will pat her ever so gently when she cries saying “Nangissshh…diam…shhh”… :-)

We think he is embracing the concept of siblinghood quite easily though we are a bit wary he might take things into his own hands… So Hazel is always in my sight 24-7…

Asyraaf: Even your dad can’t help you this time…you need to learn how to be the big bro k…coz ayah is the only child hehehe…Good luck sayang … :-)


MN said...

keh keh..kiut! kokom yer???

Wan Amira said...

im a bit too late, but CONGRATuLATions!!!

Eddina said...

mrs noba: hehe...haah, kokom, letihla ayah dia support takut terlepas hehehe...

mira: thanks... datangla umah tgk baby...:-)

TY23 said...

Hahahaha cute nya anak buah acik eina!! Bagus2..just include him in, he'll adjust quickly..

Eddina said...

k ina: yeah...sgt adamant pulak tu...main arah aje...huhu...mcm hitler pun ade...
ikut nenek dia kut...ahakss...

Unknown said...

aduyaai.. haku la yg paling lambat dapat tau.. dah berjanggut budak tu.. congratulation! and celebration!! mine.. masih "under-construction" nampaknye..

Eddina said...

hera: takper...biar lambat asalkan selamattt...hehehe... bedal twin ke, triplet skaligus lahhh...senanggg, skali jalan hehehe...

tk care ya...nnt ingat nak pi kk la...jumpa kat sana k...