
Thank God for TTB…


I never thought I would one day thank a TV series for making it easier for me to survive motherhood.  But here I am doing it.

We are not anywhere near subscribing to any cartoon channels on the Astro yet…we think the 611 Astro Ceria and TVIQ is sufficient…for now at least.

But one thing that I have found to be intriguing, is how TTB can mesmerize my son up to the point where he will lie down with his favourite pillow and bottle of milk, eyes glued to the TV series from the start of the show till the credit scrolls down at the end of the show. He even stops doing whatever he’s doing to watch the TTB commercial! And my child is one easily distracted kid let me tell you.

I am not sure whether the ‘content’, as some parents say…can be er… ‘inappropriate’ to kids…but to me…I think it’s okay… I mean when has Malaysia ever had a TV talk show involving kids that can have such impact…? Furthermore, Aznil is a great host  for TTB or any other show for that matter. So for now I am just thanking god that I get at least some time in my day where I get to eat without interruption while my child watches TTB…He even sometimes mimics the TTB slogan with his hands saying “ Om om bak!!” LOL… That, my friends, is the ultimate power of TV…:-)


Mommy Lyna said...

better watching tom tom bak than some of cerita melayu yg banyak adegan ganas!

Eddina said...

yer betoll...hehehe...ekceli mak dia yg sbenarnya takut nengok citer melayu yg ganass!! hahaha...